Community Detail | Avecina Medical

Doctor Provides Meals for the Holiday

Local doctors are giving thanks to local enforcement officers on duty.

“We’re going to all the different zones in Duval County then from there we’re going to clay county and then ending up in Saint Johns County,” Dr. Saman Soleymani, Avecina Medical, said.

Dr. Soleymani said his team is feeding nearly 600 officers in Duval, Clay and St. Johns Counties from 911 dispatch officers, to prison officers and those patrolling the streets.

400 turkey meals coming from Arden’s Kafe and Katering on Jacksonville’s westside and about 200 more from Xtreme Wings in St. Johns.

“Being a first responder myself I know that they risk their lives every single day when they put on their uniform and a day like this where everyone’s around family and knowing there a way to protect us this is my way of thanking them,” Dr. Soleymani said.

Dr. Soleymani and his team stopped at substation throughout the counties to drop off the hot meals.

Jacksonville Fraternal order of police president Steve Zona says he’s grateful for the community’s support of law-enforcement.

“Dr. Soleimani and Dr. Modell at Avecina Medical are amazing,” Zona said. “They’ve always supported public safety in town and the surrounding communities. For them to do this is just incredible our police officers go to work every day and all they ever want to hear from someone is thank you and this is above and beyond.”

Making sure the work the officers do to protect the community does not go unnoticed.

“They risk their lives to protect us and this is a way for us to thank them,” said Dr. Soleymani.

Soleymani said on Wednesday Avecina Medical sponsored a couple of hundred families that may be in a difficult position ahead of the holiday but wanted to have a further reach on Thanksgiving Day.

Doctor provides meals for the holiday